The Parish Church of The Holy Cross
Airedale with Fryston
October 2024
Sunday 6th October (19th Sunday after Trinity)
08:30am - Holy Communion
10:00am - Parish Communion
6pm - Silent Prayer
Monday 7th October
6pm - Evening Prayer
7pm - Music Group
Tuesday 8th October
1pm to 3pm - Companionship Club
Wednesday 9th October
9:45am - Holy Communion
Thursday 10th October
Friday 11th October
6:30pm - Fabric and Finance meeting in church.
7pm - PCC meeting in church.
Saturday 12th October
9:30am - Men Behaving Godly
Sunday 13th October (Harvest Festival)
8:30am - Holy Communion
10:00am - Parish Communion
followed by bring and share lunch.
Donations of non-perishable food will be collected
for the Airedale Food Bank.